Thursday, April 26, 2007

Global Warming: Reality or Hoax?

One of the big issues that actually led me to start this society is the documentary aired on Channel 4 in the UK, "The Great Global Warming Swindle". Yes it is overblown anti-IPCC stuff, but yet it is surprisingly convincing by the end, probably because it attempts to tug at the ol' heart strings with imagery of the suffering third-world. All the same, it is a great way to spend an hour or so, and youtube kindly serves it up in 10minute chunks, perfect for mid-session procrastination!

The Great Global Warming Swindle Part 1 of 9

Check it out, and after you watch it, do you feel that the IPCC report is a wad of over-politicized hysteria? Or is this documentary just the immature lashing out of sidelined crackpots?

Your voice, your say.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Rational Debate of Climate Change Society at UNSW, Sydney Australia

Alright folks, this is now the official blog and route through which updates regarding The Society will be disseminated. I'll be posting some interesting links to Climate Change articles and stories if I come across any.

For those who didn't receive the original email, or for those who are just joining us, I present to you the purpose for our existence, and the reason for why we need YOUR support.

The purpose of our Society for the Rational Debate of Climate Change is to provide a forum for climate scientists and experts to communicate the facts with UNSW students and the general public. This forum will also give participants the opportunity to open a dialogue with researchers, without information having to be first filtered through the media. Simply put, we wish to promote public awareness of recent research in climate change without a political slant or incitement of hysteria.

Our stance on climate change and global warming is one of neutrality. We firmly accept that the climate IS changing, as it always does. However, we openly question the accusations levied on the human race, marking it as being the primary cause of this change. We do not deny it though, we simply question. We are also against how climate change has been hijacked by politicians, whose primary goal is not to obtain objective facts about global warming but to promote their own agenda. In line with our purpose, we strongly feel that the rational, scientific approach to global warming is the way the world should be tackling this issue.

To achieve our ends, we aim to attract top climate researchers to Sydney to give public lectures, where we will let audience members field questions. Also, we want to eventually be able to support a panel of scientists, whose views on climate change are not all aligned. This will really give the public a chance to be a part of the "scientific debate" that is so often overshadowed by environmentalist proganda.

We feel that our society provides an alternative for interested individuals who are put off by talks hosted by "Greenies" and environmentalists who tend to exaggerate certain issues to promote their own agendas or idealisms.

By all means contact us if you are interested in providing support, donations, or even sponsorship towards our continued efforts! Leave a comment, and we will get back to you!